by Lori Drew | Feb 12, 2020 | artist updates

Although I never dreamed of having my art hang in an art museum, I have to admit it feels really good . . . and it’s going to feel even better when it sells at the Huntsville Museum of Art 29th Gala next month. Their website explains, “The Museum seeks to foster understanding of the visual arts and appreciation of artistic achievement. The mission of the Museum is to bring people and art together through acquiring, preserving, exhibiting and interpreting the highest quality works of art.” Wow! What an honor to be included in “highest quality works of art.”
So as I was thinking about museums, and then galleries, I came to the realization that although it is truly wonderful to gain such inclusion and recognition, for me the real honor comes from you hanging my art in your home. There is no finer place because it is your personal space, your sanctuary, your comfort zone. An invitation into your world is the greatest compliment.
by Lori Drew | Nov 15, 2019 | artist updates

I meet the most wonderful people on this artistic journey of mine. Some stay close for just a short time, yet the connection is so meaningful as they take home a creation that communicated something deeper, along with a cutting or two from the studio garden. Some stay in touch via social media channels, cheering me on. Still others become great friends and get together for meals around the fire on cool winter nights. Today I received a text from a very special collector turned prayer warrior who I appreciate more than you can imagine. The image here is hers, and every so often, when I need a little boost, I look back on her loving, prayerful texts and thank God that He brings such blessings into my life through art — each one a true miracle (they happen every day, you know).
Speaking of blessings, my website is updated with new images of available art, not all, but I am working on it, thanks to Aaron Sutton, website designer extraordinaire. His patience is phenomenal as I am most likely his queen of technologically challenged clients who insist on having a hand in the process. Promising myself to keep this site as calming and easy going as my studio. Wish me luck!
And if you are one of my wonderful people, I hope you can feel my gratitude in this blog hug.
by Lori Drew | May 14, 2019 | artist updates

It’s always good to get a new perspective . . . to challenge yourself to see, think and feel in a new way, simply so your energy and enthusiasm gets stirred up and you can see what incredible things happen.
Found this old photo of me and my sister — just kids having fun looking at the world upside down. Marlene’s expression is priceless, and my memories are more so. It got me thinking about how original art can have that effect on an audience, whether we are engrossed in actors on a stage, musicians on a corner or paintings on a wall. Experience the real thing, then hang on to it, tell your friends about it, relive it with your dog, post pictures of it and write about it. Then do it again.
ArtsQuest was last weekend, and what a delight it was, experiencing not only original art in all forms, but sharing it with art lovers of all ages. A young girl hugged a painting I created and stories were told of art that moved people, spoke to people and turned their day upside down.
Be original. Buy original art. Get the tickets. Experience the real thing. But most of all, try a new perspective today.
by Lori Drew | May 10, 2019 | artist updates
I dropped off a few new paintings at the CAA Member Tent today. What fantastic art from everyone!!! My first ArtsQuest was 19 years ago, when we first moved to the beach. I loved dragging my three sons around on Mother’s Day, taking in all the beautiful works from so many talented artists. Now I am proud to say I am an artist, and I sure do wish my sons were near here to drag around. Instead, I’ll be volunteering in the CAA Member Tent (just outside Tommy Bahama’s front door), and hope to drag you in to see all the amazing works.
Be sure to drop by and say HI and maybe pick up a little something for yourself to celebrate all moms everywhere. Happy Mother’s Day to all!!!
by Lori Drew | Feb 1, 2019 | artist updates
It’s summertime and it’s someone’s birthday in the family. I can see Babci walking to the backyard garden. She always wore a cotton dress, long and loose, covered with an apron. I’m thinking about my grandmothers today as a get ready for another Art After Hours at the galley. Valentine’s day is just around the corner, and I thought a pink theme would be fun for the refreshments I’ll serve. “Babci” (pronounced bob-chi) is Polish for grandmother, and she lived next door to us. She made beet soup — nothing I would have eaten as a child even though it was the prettiest color pink. There was just something about beets that did not excite this little granddaughter.
The excitement came with MomMom’s strawberry sheet cake. MomMom was my dad’s mother. Babci was my mom’s. Anyway, MomMom was famous for bringing that cake to everyone’s birthday party, probably because it fed a crowd, and it was always a hit with everyone in my rather large Catholic family.
I’ve never tried to make that strawberry sheet cake nor borscht, but I thought both would be the perfect color for my pink party tonight. Both have passed the taste test with flying shades of rose, and there will be many other pretty things presented for the palate.
This morning, as I continue with the chopping, mixing, rolling, poking and plating in preparation for the gallery gathering, I am reminiscing about my wonderful grandmothers, who added that happy color to my life — it’s the color of love, and I hope you can join me this evening to share in art . . . in love . . . and in life.
by Lori Drew | Jan 10, 2019 | artist updates
Not surprisingly, tears fell at a dear friend’s memorial service. But joy was also in the air, as I came to realize that each of us touch others in ways we do not realize. I learned that day that not only was my art a catalyst to our friendship, but that family time in The Henderson Resort bathrooms was one of the best memories this young nephew had of his wonderful aunt.
Zachary spoke from the heart when he relayed a heartwarming story of “Punkin” taking the family to lunch at The Henderson, with an agenda to include a museum quality tour of both the men’s and women’s restrooms for all to see 27 paintings in each and every stall and wall. Punkin, asked the hotel staff to guard the doors so this tour remained private while the whole family viewed the creations by her artist friend (that would be me). His point was she was unique. My point is we are joined to one another as we journey through this life, and sometimes it’s art that creates the bridge that brings us together.
Today, my car is packed with new works for Art Wave at The Henderson Resort. It’ll be a great party, as we help to raise funds for South Walton Artificial Reef Association. I wonder who will be drawn to my paintings, who will like what they see when nature calls and what new friends I will meet. I’ll be sharing studio adventures with my artist friends, grateful for The Henderson bringing us together. And I’ll be thinking of Punkin, knowing that in my own small way, I helped a young man with a memory that will bring him smiles for years to come.
With Special Thanks to Melissa Mercer Brown for introducing me to an opportunity of a lifetime.