The Green Sweater
A crazy thing happened in the studio yesterday. Well, I think it was a crazy thing. The sun was streaming in the windows, warming the 60’s outside to 70’s inside, and there I was, painting with a passion, listening to Christmas music and not really thinking about anything . . . just appreciating the creative process in the moment.
I work on several panels at a time, mainly because of drying time and the need to step away for awhile. Had several good ones going and wrapped up the day with a two smalls, a medium and midway on a larger piece. Picked up my phone to take a few photos for my website and social media, and suddenly it dawned on me — I subconsciously used the very same color as the sweater I was wearing. It was weird. My black apron blocked most of the sweater from sight, but the sleeves were definitely in my line of vision. Now this was not straight out of the tube green I’m talking about. No. Multiple oil paints had to be combined to create the color, and I didn’t see the match until it was finished.
The mind is an amazing engine, and it certainly works on cruise control. Can’t explain it. Just marvel at it and keep creating.